when-to-trim-azaleas-in-north-carolina.txt 5/14/2022 when to trim azaleas in north carolina Light pruning(12 inches or less) after flowering but not after July 10th (Early spring – February – and autumn pruning removes next year's blossoms). However, overgrown azaleas should be pruned in February**. Cut out any cold-damaged branches at the end of the month. https://polk.ces.ncsu.edu/pruningcalendar/ What month do you prune azaleas? Image result for prune azaleas in raleigh north carolina Prune azaleas soon after they bloom in the spring or early summer. The perfect time is when spent flowers begin to discolor and shrivel. Cutting them back in late summer, fall, or winter will remove flowerbuds and keep them from blooming. A pair of hand clippers and loppers are all you'll need. https://www.southernliving.com/garden/azalea-pruning-tips How do you take care of azaleas in NC? How do you take care of azaleas in WESTERN NC? Azaleas don't need a lot of need of pruning. Simply cut them back with hand clippers after their flowers have faded. In the spring, apply two to four inches of mulch and fertilize using a controlled-release, acid-forming fertilizer such as cottonseed meal or commercial azalea food. https://www.tpslandscaping.com/about-2/tips-from-the-pros/spring/growing-azaleas-in-western-north-carolina.html Prune Azaleas Now (JUNE 14th) Spring in the south brings a colorful profusion of flowers from azaleas that appear to drift across the landscape like colorful clouds. Pruning is needed occasionally especially in larger growing cultivars when they outgrow their intended space. Pruning can help produce more compact growth and by following simple techniques the natural graceful form of this shrub can be maintained. It is not necessary to prune azaleas annually Read more at: https://lenoir.ces.ncsu.edu/2016/06/prune-azaleas-now/ Pruning Calendar