Protect-Your-Fridge-and-Freezer-from-High-Temperature-Weather.txt How Heat and Summer Storms Affect Your Appliances Protect Your Fridge and Freezer from High Temperature Weather These appliances are the most vulnerable to the summer heat, especially if you put them in a hot location, says Gary Basham, refrigeration technical author for Sears in Austin, Texas. “We have folks in Texas who’ll keep a fridge in their shed, where it can get up to 120º to 130º in the summer,” he says. That forces the appliance to run much hotter and longer to maintain optimal temperatures, which in turn wears out parts a lot faster. Instead, put your fridge somewhere cool, and maintain a few inches of clearance all the way around it so the equipment has space to put off heat. You should also clean your condenser coil frequently, Basham says. “If that coil gets dirty, it will cause the compressor to run hotter and longer and can eventually damage it.”