PICTURE-REMOVED--PROBLEM.txt 7/17/2017 c2012-2017 David R Woodsmall PROBLEM- SOMEONE SENDS YOU A PICTURE BUT IT HAS BEEN "REMOVED" If you see the message (and you do not see the attached picture): File was removed or the sender may not have permission to send it" (or something like that), Th PROBLEM mat very well be that you saved the picture from a website (FB, for example) and the file permissions are NOT set to allow you to see the picture. I just proved this case. Here is one such picture, and it was NOT viewable by the person to whom I sent it, until I "UNLBOCKED IT". So if YOU don't see the picture, the SENDER has to make the change (save the picture to their compututer, UNBLOCK the picture, via PROPERTIES and then send it to you again. http://www.woodsmall.com/file-came-from-another-computer-and-may-be-blocked.jpg http://www.woodsmall.com/ My MAIN Web Page