RUNNING DTS ON NETWARE - 3/25/2017 =================================== 1) Install DTS by placing the DTS.NLM file in C:\NWSERVER 2) From a System Console window, enter the command: dts /h/i SYS ENSURE that you have the "SYS" in the 4th in the command line, otherwise you will over-write the contents of your SYS folder. (note to get help on the command switches, enter "dts" by itself) I just realized that I told you last week that you could run multiple sessions of DTS on a server. That is true as long as you don't run an option that will run the Volume Fill test. When one DTS session fills up the volume and the other session tries to write on it, you will get the errors that you see. If you just use the /j90 option and exclude any nonSAN volumes such as SYS, it should work. Syntax: dts [/a/b/e/g/h/i/jXXX/l/m/nXXX/o/q/r/s/tXX/u/v/z/XX vol] Normal Usage: dts /h/i SYS or dts /m/s/u/v SYS <<< or dts /l/s/u/v SYS <<< /a = perform all tests /o = force bindrey mode /b = break (pause) on errors /q = quiet (no sound) mode /e = erase miscompared files /r = remove reads (write only) /g = completely fill the volumes /s = save error log to server /h = use huge (100MB max) files /tXX = run for XX hours maximum /i = intesive file and I/O tests /u = unattended mode /jXXX = jump to test number 'XXX' /v = verbose mode /l = use large (12 MB max) files /z = intensive system tests /m = use medium (4 MB max) files /XX = run XX interations maximum /nXXX = call this the 'XXX' test vol = name of volume to exclude Hit at any time to exit the test, view the error log = Woodsmall's MAIN Web Page c 1987 - 2017